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SBH Phoenix

Lynn's photo chosen by Breyer.

Lynn's photograph of Champion Clydesdale stallion, SBH Phoenix, was chosen by Breyer for the packaging insert for their portrait model of him. #breyerhorses #breyermodelhorses

"I remember taking the shot at a huge draft horse show where Phoenix was crowned Grand Champion Clydesdale Stallion for owner Wismer Clydesdales." says Lynn.

After many show ring achievements, Phoenix was retired to stud duty at home in Ontario, Canada, and Lynn soon started seeing his offspring, and later his grand-get consistently winning top awards.

The model connection

Lynn attended Breyerfest in 2014 to write an article with photos for The Draft Horse Journal, the leading magazine in the draft horse industry, about Breyerfest and the Clydesdale representation there through the Wismer family, owners of Phoenix. The grand stallion unfortunately passed away unexpectedly shortly before the event, so one of his lovely daughters took his place.

This reignited Lynn's love for model horses, and sparked her new career of painting models and resins.



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